Claudette Walker

Claudette Walker
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Sep 5, 2011

Be read, rested and ready for the "C STREET" sequel...

"Jacqueline Rose committed the premeditated murder of a federal agent."

This opening line is just the beginning of the journey you are about to take in  
C Street.

The secret of C Street is secrecy. Solomon Rosenberg is a 20 year veteran of C Street, a government lawyer, and a bi-polar CIA assassin. He breaks the silence by recording his missions. Jacqueline is left with the evidence, as she enters the web of sex, drugs, and politics with the men of C Street. The men of the CIA, the men of C Street, are one step behind her on a mountain top, in London and even in Costa Rica. Palestine is willing to pay for the secrets, and Israel is willing to help her. Who can she trust with the evidence of espionage, murder, and the computer hijacking of America?

“I ask no forgiveness for my work on C Street. Men like me believe God is our judge, or more honestly stated, we believe we are gods.”
The plane flew from Washington to Geneva, Switzerland. We arrived at 2:03 AM, GMT + one. It was a bone-chilling –25°C. A limousine took the participants directly to Hotel Les Nations, where a suite was waiting. Steven Dahl scanned the rooms for listening devices, and then the meeting commenced.

“The Geneva meeting opened at 3:20 AM, local time. Steven Dahl controlled the meeting.... Dahl's soliloquy sounded uncomfortably like treasonous talk.

Book Trailer

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