"This book should be a resource in every veteran counseling clinic." ~ Rusty Fairbanks
As of the end of July, we will have given three cases of gift Decompression Map books to soldiers around the country. Thank you to readers
who have made the past, present and future gift books for soldiers
possible with your purchase any of our books or ebooks.
"I just read Matrix Filia's and Claudette Walker's
masterpiece, DECOMPRESSION MAP. It was written in such a style that I
felt I was involved directly in the story. It was an emotionally
gripping experience as I actually can relate to it. This is a MUST-READ and everyone should seize the opportunity to learn from and appreciate your superb book.Thank you very much for your great gift to our brave soldiers and our society!" Sergio Lebid, NanoSpireInc.
Star Review - "My father was an immigrant who loved this country and
raised the American flag every day. He had nightmares about World War
II until the day he died ... that day was 9/11 and the last thing he
saw were the twin towers going down. PTSD? Who knows? But I wish I had
this book when he used to wake up screaming. God bless these two
authors for their obvious labor of love. The Decompression Map is
brilliant. I hope the Department of Defense is paying attention. Now we
won't have to feel so helpless when all we can think of to say is
"Welcome Home." Amazon Review
5 Star Review - "This is a
must read for anybody coming home from combat duty and their family!
This book can really help Veteran's transition back into Civilian Life
after returning home so quickly after combat. Used as an Aid for family
and friends of soldiers returning home. It gives you good clues on
making the returning soldiers comfortable. Nice Job Ladies! ~ Amazon
"Loving it!! You are introducing a fantastic concept. Reading it now. It's TERRIFIC!!" ~ Pj Schott, Survival for Blondes
"Every soldier returning from a war zone needs time to decompress and a way to readapt to civilian life. That has been true for at least a century. Most recently, many of the men and women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are having a hard time adjusting to life at home."
~ L.Cpl. Garner, Eric S., USMC
“Providing social safety nets and readjustment assistance to returning vets is a win-win outcome for all of us.”
~ Laura Schultz, LMFT (Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist)My 5-Star Review of "To Love The Rose" (Is Washington Stoned?)
Danielle Steel meets Tom Clancy
is how I describe this book to my friends who have not read it. To my
enormous delight, I recently discovered Claudette Walker, now hot on
the block of international political thrillers. Thank God "To Love The
Rose" has a sequel, since I grew extremely attached to her characters,
all of which were developed exquisitely. Claudette Walker's excellent
sense of place fittingly took me back to some of my old haunts ... San
Francisco, Washington D.C,, Florida, and New York City. Her depiction of
the U.S. political climate, as well as the U.S. role on the world
stage is spot on. "To Love The Rose" provides an insider's view of
power, high finance, government and the people who live in these
worlds. I am now reading Walker's second book, "C Street" with even
greater amazement at her knowledge of global intrigue and high-level
maneuvers. I have always believed that to pursue truth one must read
fiction and there is much truth in this extraordinary author's romantic
C Street ~ by Claudette Walker
Thank you to all who have taken the time to say a few kind works, write a review, liked or shared a post and just made me feel very good. You inspire me. I know that I have not been able to capture all of your kind words, but I am eternally grateful.
"C Street" is one of my favorite books EVER!! I studied investigative journalism and learned that's not easy to get to the heart of the matter. And even harder to have the courage to speak the truth. You have done all of the both ... and put "the way the world works" in the context of a powerful, glamorous, face-paced thriller. KUDOS! !Thank you, Pj Schott
"That hologram idea was genius!" Thank you, Francine Haertel.
"Your books are Masterpieces!" Sergio Lebid, NanoSpire Project
"Tape No. 35 and an appearance via hologram!" Thank you, Pj Schott.
Chilling, exhaustively researched, and slyly humorous, Claudette Walker's "C Street" is a well-painted and entertaining spy service portrait that strikes all too close to the realities of corrupt governance in America.
The corrupt government agents are painted real as the world and with twice the size ego, the settings are vivid and well-researched, and the heroine is a sympathetic, tragic, intensely human figure. A recommended read!
As an essay into the mentalities that control America, it is nothing less than a stunning psychological indictment of the madness that can happen when the most powerful forces in America go corrupt.
Props to Ms. Walker on a wonderful novel! --F.A. Seidman, entrepreneur and grandson of former FDIC Chairman Bill Seidman
It's the best thing you'll have read in a long time. You won't be able to put it down. Linda Leipziger
My dear friend, Claudette Walker is one of the most amazing writers of 2012! See for yourself, my friends....Meg Collins
Amazon http://www.amazon.com/C-Street-Claudette-Walker/dp/0971629250
B&N http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/c-street-claudette-walker/1025849281
The intrigue you masterfully create is magnificent...Zna Trainer
--what a superb book and a GREAT ending-- which REALLY leaves the reader wanting more (immediately)! I'm so proud of you! Leanne Coffman
It's the best thing you'll have read in a long time. You won't be able to put it down. ~ Linda Leipzinger
Well, finished the book after a second reading and it's a ripper folks! ~ Ralph Swanson
Haven't had a spare minute lately, so I'm still in U.S. but back from Israel. Not a problem to drag this book out, because I really don't want it to end. And it's actually good, since I won't remember much by the time I finish and can start reading it all over again!! ~ Pj Schott
Excellent thrilling masterful work by my friend, Claudette Walker! ~ Sergio Lebid
"Simply stated, C Street by Claudette Walker is an unforgettable novel. It is a must read for anyone who enjoys intrigue, enigmas and haunting memories of a fulfilling thriller." Laura Schultz Book Reviewer Laura Schultz Now
"Your book is like a conversation with Ian Fleming! Way to recall the atmosphere of 007. Dan Brown has a page-turner competitor! Bravo!"
25-time Emmy award winning, journalist and novelist Michael Cogdill - C Street Book Reviewer, book back Michael Cogdil, "She Rain" Author
"Just finished it. Wow. The farther I got into it the harder it was to put down.
I absolutely loved it. Thanks for the journey." Randy S. of Florida
"One of the best books I've read this year.....right up there with good ole' James Patterson! Thanks Claudette!" Brenda Smith
"C Street is Your Street." Scott Wannberg
"Absolutely incredible book. Don't just buy one. Order two... one for yourself and one for someone you love." Don Mersel
Two strangers met at Chicago O'Hare Airport ~ because they had one thing in common, both were reading C Street. Holly & Chris
You're good. It's realistic and I get scared; I've had spook harassment before and I identify strongly with the dead Solomon Rose. Andrew Hall
Ralph Swanson enjoying the warm Florida weather outside and a good book - Claudette Walker's "C Street".
Congratulations Claudette - and may everyone have the opportunity to read "C Street," I have and from page one it stimulates the brain cells! Nancy Denofio
I've been hearing about this for months! This one I will pay to see in the theater. Thanks Claudette!"
Lorna Mack
Just wanted to tell you how "disappointed" I was in your book.......that it ended! This was like the season finales of ER, Dallas, etc. How long do I have to wait to pick this... back up? My imagination is running wild! Hope you're almost done with the next, because I may be bugging you frequently! LOL Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this! :-) Brenda Smith
“Claudette's book C STREET is a page turner.” Don Mersel
If a movie of your book gets made, i'll be first in line! Amy Roberson
"Thank you for "C Street...."I'm REALLY loving C Street. Dirty deeds afoot…" "I'm in Beirut right now…" "I'm enjoying Jacqueline's reaction to Rose's revelations. The best part for me is traveling ... in most of the books I read. Your sense of place really is fantastic." Pj Schott
C Street is the best book I have ever read. Dr. Diane H.
The book is phenomenal... Renee Hand
“Walker takes the reader on a very detailed journey throughout the secret methods of falsifying responsibilities within the back operations of government intelligence organizations in C Street, revealing new and fascinating methods of how our history has been manipulated by..."
Gary Sorkin, Senior Book Reviewer, Pacific Book Review
"Loved, loved your book. Couldn't ask for more in a thriller. I absolutely love a book that takes me all over the world as yours did. Just when I thought I had it figured out even with your "subtle" clues I was mistaken. I always do that with a book and I was not disappointed." Brenda Smith
“Am just starting C Street and am enjoying it already, Claudette!” Nancy Denofio
"I owe you a review - promise ASAP.... what a wonderful book - and for those who read this, buy it now! Thanks Claudette for writing this wonderful novel. Nancy Denofio
”This is the book you must read. I promise. By Claudette Walker” Don Mersel
"A must read you guys..." Neil Helfrich
"C Street is the most amazing book I have read in years! The characters seemed so alive to me, that I simply could not put it down." Cathy G. Sesta
"This is the book you must read. I promise. by Claudette Walker" Don Mersel
"Claudette Walker's Blockbuster." Don Mersel
“I always like that you write like a poet!” Amy Roberson
“The Book Everyone is Talking About...by Claudette Walker” Don Mersel
"I didn't just like the book. I LOVED THE BOOK--SERIOUSLY!" Laura Schultz, Book Reviewer
“Claudette Walker's Incredible book and screenplay.” Don Mersel
“Excellent book so far! I love it!” Meg Collins
“My level of excitement is escalating as I read further into your book!” Nancy Denofio
“Story/plot is very exciting!” Katrina Ruth, PhD, Literature
“The plot is great and you keep Jacqueline moving in adventure! I love the settings!” Katrina Ruth, PhD, Literature
“This has been very interesting reading; with the Trojan, CLIPP programs, etc, you had to have done loads of work creating/mapping out this whole system. Bravo!” Katrina Ruth, PhD, Literature
“I absolutely love the descriptions of London! Beautiful! .,..Know all those places oh so well. [Kings Cross is King's Cross...use it constantly..lovely train station; I marked where] Again, great story..so carefully put together w/ detailed work!” Katrina Ruth, PhD, Literature
“Yes! Great story---I can see how much meticulous planning you've done. What a big, carefully done project.” Katrina Ruth, PhD, Literature
“Exciting political story! Very intriguing! Political spoiling...great!” Katrina Ruth, PhD, Literature
“Very good story. Very interesting and well thought out plot. As a reader, I hope she can trust Mark after everything. Lots of good twists, lots of good information revealed n the plot.” Katrina Ruth, PhD, Literature
"Love the book, still reading and loving every moment I escape into their world. Thanks again!" Leslie Vincent
"And yours on C Street is stunning. Just back from D.C., a place I truly love. One of the most fascinating parts of the world! Bravo!" Michael Cogdill
"Claudette Walker's Incredible book and screenplay." Don Mersel
"Just got to C Street & the group that calls itself CWP. Holy crap!! Pj Schott
Your book is like a conversation with Ian Fleming! Way to recall the atmosphere of 007. You deserve every bit of laud that flows to this heart-throbbing piece. Dan Brown has a page-turner competitor! Bravo!" 25-time Emmy Winner, reporter and author Michael Cogdill
"Good Morning Claudette-this is an amazing read and I have been enjoying your book immensely.” Meg Collins
“A marvelous read, one that will keep you turning pages every single day.
The Casey Anthony Murder Trial
When asked to write the postscript for this book, I knew it was an important story. Reading it makes me realize how right I was about the importance of this book. I also became aware of how much I did not know about the horrific death of this child and the judicial process that was to try her mother for the death. I walked away from reading this book with an understanding of how unpredictable our justice/jury system can be. From the media and shows like CSI, juries currently expect a great deal of forensic evidence such as DNA, fiber, strands of hair etc. However, such is rarely the case in a homicide. Furthermore, young missing children do not garner a great deal of news coverage, unless the media is focused on that particular child whose case then develops into a high profile one. It would behoove all of us to be more sensitive to and become more aware of those whose task it is to guard our most precious resources, our children.
~Laura Schultz, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
"Speaking as one who has been there, this book gives a real feel for the action
both inside and outside the courtroom in the trial of a high-profile capital murder case."
~David E. Siar, Esquire
"This is the type of book you can pick up and read, stop, read, and keep your interest all the way to the end. This is told by a mother and daughter. Fantastic... "
A book judging our Justice System with High recommendations! Excellent Read.
"Imagine the concentration, hard work, and pondering both Mother and Daughter have written about this well-known murder trial. The pondering over testimony, even choosing the Jurors - made me want more and more. Although this case in some minds has ended, it will never end in a mother or daughter's mind. The more you read the deeper you fall into the story you thought you knew. It isn't like hearing it while you are trying to tell your children to stop fighting, cooking dinner, or half listening while on a phone call - this book takes you into the head of a mother who had no care where her daughter was for thirty one days. It brings you into the FBI searching for evidence on her computer, how to kill someone, with both chemicals and instruments. It points out the lies, and the joy Casey was having with her boyfriend and imaginary friends. At times I was baffled by the Justice in our country when so much was up front - and the Jury in my eyes, one sided. It makes you wonder how any mother can be dancing up a storm while lying to her parents about the where abouts of her daughter and their only granddaughter. It makes you want to change the system, open the eyes of those who were chosen to judge the murder case of Casey Anthony. There has never been a better concept in my view of any other real life murder trial then that of Claudette Walker and her daughter Matrix Filia. With a sixth sense alone, and the insight of being a mother and grandmother my intuition has made its way to a conclusion. Now, don't let this outstanding, well written, and widely known case slip through your fingers - I know once you start reading, getting into the nitty gritty of the life of Casey Anthony, you too won't be able to place the book down. Congratulations on a book which should be read by families all across this land of ours. You never trust anyone - even your own daughter when a mother believes she is lying. Read it today."
~Nancy Duci Denofio
"Claudette, my neighbor finished the Casey Anthony book and just could not stop talking about it. She loved that the trial was broken down so the lay person could understand what was going on. Anyway, her eyes usually hurt when she reads but with the Kindle I was able to make the font bigger so she for her she finished the book in record time. She just couldn't put it down." In book and eBook.... ~ Linda Leipziger
AMAZON http://www.amazon.com/The-Casey-Anthony-Murder-Trial/dp/0971629277/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1331947744&sr=8-1
The e-Book was excellent Claudette nice job.
~Paul Cadogan
This one intriguing book. I'm almost done reading it. Can't put it down once I start reading it. I might have been the only hold out. Really, hard to know once you hear the perspective of the Judge, the Prosecution and the sleazy Defense. Anyway, am almost finished, but Claudette you and your daughter did a fantastic job breaking things down for the lay people. Reading on, good night.
It was brilliant looking at this trial through the eyes of two individuals who were just describing the and explaining everything that was happening in the courtroom, with the Defense, Prosecutor and the Judge. Thanks for a very good and interesting read.
~Linda Leipziger
Amazon C Street http://www.amazon.com/C-STREET-ebook/dp/B004BLK5MM/ref=tmm_kin_title_0?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2
Amazon To Love The Rose http://www.amazon.com/Love-Rose-Washington-Stoned-ebook/dp/B0030ILYLI/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1326509453&sr=1-1
Amazon The Casey Anthony Murder Trial http://www.amazon.com/Casey-Anthony-Murder-Trial/dp/0971629277/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1311525670&sr=8-1

eBook with guide to map your own soldiers Decompression Map.

Bound Book with writable guide to make your own Decompression Map and writable journal in the back for soldiers and families.
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